Dr. Fraser Shilling

Dr. Fraser Shilling

Position Title

  • Road Ecology Center
  • Department of Environmental Science & Policy

Dr. Shilling has 3 areas of research: 1) interactions between equity and water quality policy & decision-making; 2) sustainability indicator systems; and 3) transportation ecology. His project areas include: developing new methods for measuring sea level rise and its impacts in real-time, finding out how environmental disruptions (e.g., climate change, pandemics) disrupt transportation and other systems, facilitating the sharing and understanding of water data through indicators related to social goals, studying how traffic noise and light impacts wildlife use of habitat and wildlife crossing structures, and calculating the impact of roads and highways on wildlife movement and survival.  If Fraser had one super power, his would be infecting people with empathy for nature and other people. Find out more about the Road Ecology Center here: https://roadecology.ucdavis.edu.